With more than half of the U.S. population living within a five-mile radius of their workplaces, the American League of American Bicyclists believes it makes sense for more Americans to commute to work via bicycle. That’s why the association has been emphasizing the benefits of biking to work since it began sponsoring National Bike Month in 1956.
They must be doing something right: from 2000 to 2011 the number of bicycle commuters in the U.S. grew by 47 percent. According to study by the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), one out of every five people who participated in a Bike to Work event as first-time commuters became regular bike commuters.
This year, Bike to Work Day in the San Diego region is scheduled for Friday, May 16. Last year, more than 8,400 people in San Diego County participated in Bike to Work Day. That represented a 16 percent increase from 2012. Some 94 pit stops were set up around the region to serve as refueling stations for bikers to rest, grab a snack, and receive a free Bike to Work T-shirt.
According to iCommute, more than 216,000 bicycle commute miles were logged in May 2013. That was the equivalent of nearly nine trips around the earth and represented fuel savings of some 9,400 gallons of gas.
People who participate in Bike to Work Month this year will be eligible to win prizes if they register with iCommute and log their trips in the iCommute Trip Tracker. San Diego employers are urged to participate. Last year UC San Diego was the winner of the ‘Mega Employer” (5,001+ employees) category for the most bike miles logged.
The attorneys at the Jurewitz Law Group Injury & Accident Lawyers in San Diego heartily endorse participation in National Bike Month. We also emphasize the importance of motorists sharing the road with bicyclists to assure that everybody gets to and from work safely. Play it safe, play it smart, and help the environment. And always wear a helmet when bicycling.